
Bacaan ilmiah baharu hari ini…

311, 2020

If Allah Sent A Cure For Every Disease, Where Is It?

 I am confused about the meaning of this Hadith. It is narrated in the Sahihain that the Messenger of Allah said: “Allah has not sent down a disease except that He has also sent down its cure.” I do not deny the Hadith, but I’m confused on the meaning because some people have what is known as incurable diseases such as the Aids virus, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and a few others. In light of [...]

211, 2020

Pakar vs Pelakon

Semenjak akhir-akhir ini ramai dikalangan kita yang “start care about” diri sendiri berkaitan masalah peribadi, masalah kesihatan mental & masalah rumahtangga. Ramai mula sedar akan mencari “seseorang” kaunselor or therapist untuk membuat sesi. Yes! Satu perkembangan yang “AMAZING” bak kata orang kampung saya. Namun, kesempatan ini ada dikalangan sesetengah individu yang mengaku diri mereka adalah seorang kaunselor atau pun therapist. Bagi hal rumahtangga pula ada mengaku sebagai pegawai rundingcara. Hal [...]

211, 2020

One Reward For Fever

What is the status of the Hadith: “One day’s fever expiates a year’s worth of sin.”    Answer This is recorded by Imam Qudha’i (rahimahullah) in his Kitab; Ash-Shihab, hadith: 62 on the authority of Sayyiduna ‘Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud (radiyallahu’anhu) as part of a longer Hadith on fever.   This Hadith is declared sound (hasan) by ‘Allamah Zurqani (rahimahullah) (Mukhtasar Maqasidul Hasanah, hadith:393 . Also see Maqasidul Hasanah, hadith: 421 & Sharhul ihya, vol.9 pg.526)  Note: Generally Hadiths [...]

2910, 2020

Drink Water In Sips, Not Gulps

Rasulullah (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam) said the best drink in this world is water, when you are thirsty drink it by sips and not gulps, gulping produces sickness of the liver. Is this reliable?  Answer I haven’t seen a Hadith with these exact wordings. Drinking water in sips and not in gulps has been authentically mentioned in numerous Hadiths, that are recorded by Imams: Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, Bayhaqi, Baghawi, Tabrani, Ibn Mandah and others [...]

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e-Majalah 03 Keluaran Januari 2021M / Jamadil Akhir 1442H

e-Majalah 04 Keluaran Julai 2021M / Zulhijjah 1442H

e-Majalah 05 Keluaran Ogos 2021M / Muharram 1443H

e-Majalah 06 Keluaran April 2022M / Ramadan 1443H

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