
Bacaan ilmiah baharu hari ini…

2210, 2020

Al-Jami’ah Dar al-Buhus Al-Islamiyyah Al-‘Aliyyah Muhyi Ad-Din

PENGENALANAl-Jami'ah Dar al-Buhus Al-Islamiyyah Al-'Aliyyah Muhyi Ad-Din telah ditubuhkan pada tahun 27/12/2015 dengan kemasukan pelajar seramai 4 orang dan diketuai oleh seorang ustaz. Sehingga kini pelajar seramai 22 orang dan 9 orang ustaz.Pada asalnya madrasah menumpang di rumah lama yang ditinggalkan oleh seorang karkun tempatan di bukit sepang, kuala Terengganu. Setelah beberapa tahun,  madrasah telah berpindah di tapak asal surau yang telah diberi oleh orang ramai kepada pihak madrasah untuk [...]

2210, 2020

The Rewards And Warnings For Fajr Salah

Is there any reward mentioned in the Hadith for Fajr in congregation? Is there any warnings in the Hadith for not reading Fajr in congregation. I heard that in the Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam)’s time that even the hypocrites used to come to the masjid for Fajr. So will we be worse than the hypocrites if we do not go to masjid for Fajr?  Answer Sayyiduna ‘Uthman (radiyallahu’anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu’alaihi [...]

2210, 2020

Hadith Explaining Where Children Should Stand In Salah

Is there any Hadith indicating as to where children should stand in salah with jama’ah. Should they stand among the adults or make a separate row behind the adults?  Answer Sayyiduna Abu Malik Al Ash’ari (radiyallahu ‘anhu) once said ‘Should I not inform you of the salah of Nabi (sallalahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)? He then went on to say, Nabi (sallalahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) started the salah, the men formed their rows [...]

2210, 2020

Difference Between: Tahajjud & Qiyamul Layl?

Is there any difference between Tahajjud and Qiyamul Layl? Is there any hadith which mentions the time for Tahajjud Salah? if is it after sleeping in the latter portion of the night or is it mentioned anywhere that Tahajjud could be performed after Isha?  Answer Sayyiduna Hajjaj ibn ‘Amr (radiyallahu’anhu) says: “Rasulullah (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam) would offer tahajjud salah after sleeping” (Al-Mu’jamul Kabir, hadith: 3215) Shaykhul hadith, Moulana Zakariyya Kandehlawi (rahimahullah) says: “Tahajjud refers to the salah [...]

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e-Majalah 03 Keluaran Januari 2021M / Jamadil Akhir 1442H

e-Majalah 04 Keluaran Julai 2021M / Zulhijjah 1442H

e-Majalah 05 Keluaran Ogos 2021M / Muharram 1443H

e-Majalah 06 Keluaran April 2022M / Ramadan 1443H

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